Huang Wei Ling
Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management, Brazil
Title: Treating patients with chakras energy deficiencies and coronavirus infection
Biography: Huang Wei Ling
Introduction: Coronavirus is a virus that emerged in Wuhan China (December-2019). In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), coronavirus infection is classified as external pathogenic factor invasion. According to a previous study of the author, more than 90% of the 409 patients analyzed have chakras energy deficiency.
Purpose: To demonstrate that the energy of the chakras is important to maintain the functioning of the organs, circulation of the energy on the five massive organs. Demonstrate how the lack of this energy could be leading to the complications associated with coronavirus infection.
Methods: A clinical case report: 42-year-old male patient, layer, work on the military. He was diagnosed with deficiencies (one in eight) in his seven chakra (november of 2019), performing treatment for replenishment the chakras energy. In May 2020, he reported to have symptoms: 1) redness on the face /neck. 2) he fainted for the period of five minutes. 3) shortness of breath. He was taken to the emergency, nothing was found. He received treatment based on the reasoning of TCM. The shortness of breath was associated with Kidney’s deficiency (second chakra). He was oriented to increase the water intake (improve Kidney’s energy). Treatment was started with homeopathy medications, to replenish the energy of the chakras, according to the theory of the author entitled constitutional homeopathy of the five elements based on TCM, as well as Chinese dietary counseling. The patient had been in contact with three other people who have coronavirus infection and died.
Results: The patient presented great improvement of all symptoms on the following day of the start of the medication, not needing hospitalization.
Conclusion: treatment of the chakras energy deficiency it is important to recovery of patients with coronavirus infection leading to a quick recovery and less complications not necessitating hospitalization according to this case report.